Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chicken Week, Day 2: Soup

After last night I had more rice, beans and shredded chicken than I knew how to handle. I also had a head of cabbage and an oversized block of cabot cheddar and, as the weather gets colder, an unexplainable desire for cornbread.

For something so simple, I'm really bad at cornbread - without fail I either burn it, suck the moisture out of it or leave out a basic ingredient. This time I managed to somehow forget some significant portion of the sugar. I don't know if this is true, but it's the only thing I can think of that would've left me with bread of such a building material consistency. I was lucky enough that it was only a garnish in this case.

The soup was simple:
The leftover rice and beans went into a pot with the broth from the pot to simmer. Enough shredded chicken was added to keep every spoonful meaty; some extra salt, pepper and garlic went in for flavor, and a chopped head of cabbage that was wilting in the fridge (bok choy, in this case) went in with it all for the nutrients. Enough sharp cheddar got grated over the top of the hot pot to thicken the whole thing up nicely, and it was served with a few squares of the aforementioned not-so-great-but-piping-hot cornbread.

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